For anyone looking for a better job with increased pay and advancement opportunities...

Award Winning Career Coach Reveals the Secrets to Landing Your Ideal Job, Increasing Your Pay, and Advancing Your Career

Works for Skilled Professions - Even if You Have Career Gaps,
are Facing Ageism, or Changing Careers

What is Standout Job Search?

Standout Job Search is a counterintuitive approach to landing your dream job and upgrading your career with a better position, better pay, and better lifestyle.

We help you take the search out of “job search” and show you how to have companies chasing after you with job offers and competing to hire you.

This is done through our “Job Shopping” framework where we’ll show you how to stop endlessly applying for jobs and instead position yourself to have companies selling you on opportunities.

Standout Job Search is a Shortcut

Before we created the Job Shopping model, people were stuck using the same old outdated methods for finding jobs that haven’t worked well for over a decade:
  • Endlessly applying for job postings online (just like everyone else)
  • ​Bugging companies and annoying your LinkedIn connections for opportunities
  • Landing interviews, going through an exhausting process, only to get rejected, or worse, completely ghosted
So we decided to find a better way.

After helping hundreds of job seekers like you make a life-changing career move and land a career-defining role, we’ve discovered a secret…

We know how to help you “cut the line” and get directly in front of hiring managers - even if your aren't an exact match for the role or don't know anyone at the company.

Then, our claim to fame is our bleeding edge job interview strategy that hits on the 15 Competence Triggers so that companies are eager to extend you offers at the top of their salary range.

See below to learn how it works in detail, but here’s a snapshot of how it works:

What this Means for Your Career:

This is for you if:
  • You want a rewarding career that pays you what your worth
  • You want a security and guarantees of future promotions & job opportunities
  • ​You've tried networking, resume hacks, and interview tips, but nothing has worked
  • ​You're struggling to make the right connections that lead to new job opportunities
  • ​You're tired of landing interviews but not offers, & wonder if you're doing something wrong
  • ​You need a job search strategy that works and results in multiple job offers
We’ll show you how to show your true value to employers and make them want you SO BADLY they give you a job offer that pays above their stated salary range.

You’ll know how to overcome any employer’s hesitations about hiring you and make yourself stand out to be the first applicant they call back.

This is the blueprint to fast-track your career to better pay, better lifestyle, and more job security by leveraging a secret trick that makes you irresistible to hiring managers.

Here Are a Few Case Studies Using Our
Job Shopping Model in Standout Job Search:

Liz Got 3 Job Offers and a 25% Pay Increase

Kyle Received $15,000 MORE
than the Posted Salary Range

Tina Got A $40,000 Pay Increase,
Sign-On Bonus & Company Car

Glenn Landed His Dream Job at
His Target Company as a VP

Have Questions About The Program? Ask Us!


The Only System You'll Ever Need
to Land Your Ideal Job & Increase Your Pay

Here's Everything You're Getting
When You Join Standout Job Search Today:

Comprehensive Coaching Support

Our comprehensive coaching program is designed to help you quickly land your dream job. We offer weekly group coaching sessions with hot seat opportunities for individualized feedback on your situation. Additionally, we provide one-on-one coaching support through asynchronous communication whenever you need it.

Our flexible coaching approach combines the benefits of group learning with personalized support. This unique blend allows us to address your specific needs while also exposing you to a variety of perspectives and experiences.

The result? Fast and staggering success stories that outpace traditional coaching models.

Member Site & Networking Community

Join our member site and networking community, where coaches are ready to respond to your unique job search challenges five days a week. This unheard-of ongoing access to coaches allows you get help drafting a quick email, getting feedback on a mock interview, strategize a time sensitive negotiation, and more.

You also get access instantly to a network of professionals ready to help you. They can help make introductions, do mock interviews with you, or be that support you really need during this time. 

Job Search Plan & Tracker

Unlock success with our meticulously crafted Job Search Plan and Tracker, specifically designed to navigate the complexities of today's job market.

With our plan, you'll pinpoint when you want to land your next role, and then have the exact steps you need to take to hit that date. Then the tracker keeps you organized, ensuring every application, follow-up, and networking opportunity is timely and effective.

And if you feel daunted by industry shifts, experience gaps, or competition, no worries. Our tools empower you to face these challenges head-on. They're your roadmap to ensuring every move is calculated and purposeful, bringing you ever closer to your dream job with each action.

1 Page Career Vision - 8 Step System

Empower your job search with our 1 Page Career Vision, an innovative 8 step process that distills your aspirations into actionable steps that are easy to follow.

Gone are the days of uncertainty and feeling lost amidst career choices. With this process, you'll finally overcome the challenge of picking the right next career step that often takes years or months, and condenses it into weeks or days. 

Whether grappling with industry transitions, experience gaps, or overwhelming competition, this strategy clarifies your path, and condenses it into one neat page by the endBy honing in on your desires and addressing fears, it becomes more than just a document—it's a compass guiding you through the job market's maze. Stay focused, stay driven, and watch your dream job come into focus!

GLORY Resume Formula

Introducing the GLORY Resume Formula, your key to making a standout impression in the competitive job market. Our formula goes beyond standard resume advice, and specifically targets common fears like blending into the crowd or lacking the 'perfect' experience.

With GLORY, you'll craft a resume that highlights your unique value, and tell a story that compels recruiters and hiring managers to take notice. By emphasizing your strengths and framing challenges as growth stories, it bridges gaps and allays concerns. Whether transitioning industries, re-entering the workforce, or aiming high, GLORY ensures your application shines bright, positioning you as the top candidate for your dream job.

Cover Letters That Convert

Discover the power of our 'Cover Letters That Convert', a game-changing approach to your job application's first impression. In today's market, where every role garners numerous applications, it's easy to feel lost in the mix or that your voice isn't heard.

Our method guides you to craft cover letters that resonate deeply with recruiters and hiring managers. By tapping into your unique story and aligning it with your desired role, these cover letters become more than just introductions—they're persuasive pitches that get you the job offer. (Oh...and they are super quick to write too!)

Level Up Your LinkedIn Profile Training

Step into the spotlight with our 'Level Up Your LinkedIn' training, created to position you as a top-tier candidate for your desired role

This training gives you strategies to amplify your online presence, connect with industry leaders, and be found by companies & asked to interview. By optimizing your profile, showcasing your achievements, and engaging effectively, you become a magnet for opportunity.

Regardless of industry shifts or competitive landscapes, our LinkedIn approach ensures you're not just another profile, but a dynamic professional, and the first person they should interview.

30+ Email & Conversation Templates

Unlock the door to meaningful conversations with our Email & Conversation Templates. Tailored for the modern job seeker, these templates help you  make contact and have conversations with potential employers and influential professionals.

Whether reaching out cold, following up on an application, or navigating a tricky conversation, our templates make it easy, ensuring your communication is both compelling and authentic.

With our approach, your outreach becomes impossible to ignore, striking the right chords with recruiters and hiring managers, and dramatically boosting your chances of securing that crucial interview.

(Oh and if you think we are missing a template...we will help you draft the customized email and then we will add it to the ever-growing template collection!)

Extensive Interview Preparation

You'll receive an essential toolkit to transform your interview worries into confidence. We understand the fear of being unprepared, facing unexpected questions, or not showcasing your full potential.

So our prep guide and Job Interview Arsenal is meticulously designed to combat these concerns, offering a structured approach to anticipate, prepare, and deliver impactful answers. Dive into common questions, industry-specific issues, and strategies to articulate your unique value proposition.

With our guidance, you won't just answer questions, but tell a compelling story of your fit for the role. Step into every interview feeling poised and prepared, significantly elevating your chances of landing the job offer.

Salary Negotiation

Empower your financial future with our salary negotiation coaching and our Top Comp Negotiation Script booklet. In the delicate dance of salary discussions, many job seekers fear underselling their worth or risking potential offers.

Our strategies dismantle these fears, providing a roadmap for you to confidently get the pay you deserve. Dive into proven techniques, key talking points, and strategies to articulate your value. Beyond just salary, discover how to negotiate for better benefits, flexible hours, and growth opportunities.

With our guidance, you'll approach negotiations not as confrontational, but as collaborative discussions, ensuring your compensation truly reflects your skills, experience, and potential, paving the way for a prosperous career.
When You Enroll You Unlock 100+ Bonus Workshops!
(And it keeps get live new ones EVERY week)
These workshops include....
  • 5 Ways to Reverse a Rejection
  • ​​Stand out BETWEEN Interviews
  • ​How to React to a Job Offer to Maximize Your Income
  • ​Staying in Contact with Your Network
  • ​How To Get Your Calendar Full of Conversations
  • ​How To Be Highly Likeable in the Job Interview
  • ​"Cushioning" Your Language in the Interview
  • ​Interview Practice Workshop
  • The 4 A's Formula of Answering Open-Ended Questions
  • ​How to Handle Bad Interviewers
  • ​Tap Into Your Network With the Golden 20 Approach 
  • ​Take Your Interview to the Next Level with Research
  • How to Work with External Recruiters
  • ​How to Speak in Structures in the Interview
  • ​Utilizing LinkedIn’s Search Features
  • ​Best Places to Find Jobs

Backed by Our
“Job Offer Success Guarantee”

We’re so confident that Standout Job Search will work for you, that we guarantee you’ll receive a job offer in the next 6 months (or less) or we’ll continue working with you for up to a whole year until you do.

So there’s no risk to you.

✅You either land your dream job in the next 6 months… or we’ll work with you for up to a whole year until you do!

Check Out This Step-By-Step Video Walkthrough
Of How the Job Shopping Model Works:

Here’s What A Few Of Our Members Have To Say About Using Standout Job Search To Land Their Ideal Role:

Brittany Switched Industries
And Got A 42% Salary Increase

Claudia Received 2 Job Offers Within 90 Days Of Joining

Yonelly More Than DOUBLED Her Salary & Got Promoted in 4 Months

Wilson Received 3 Job Offers
After Investing In Himself

Have Questions? Ask Away!


Frequently Asked Questions:

What does SJS cost?
We offer a payment plan of six payments of $949, or you can pay in full up front and save 12% for a total of $4997.

What’s included?
SJS includes our membership site, chock full of 300+ resources, weekly live group coaching calls, and support & feedback in the community.

Who is this program for?
This program is for skilled professionals looking to make a career defining move. You've had career success and you're ready to make the next job one that you'll love. 

Who is this program NOT for?
This is not a "get a job quick" scheme or a last resort. This also isn't a resume writing service or "done for you" service. You'll have to put in the work to see the massive results. This also isn't a one on one coaching program, and have been able to provide SO many more resources at a better rate because of it. This is also not best for professionals outside of USA, Canada, Mexico, due to time zones. 

Is there a guarantee?
Yep! We’re so confident that Standout Job Search will work for you, that we guarantee you’ll receive a job offer in the next 6 months (or less) or we’ll continue working with you for up to a whole year until you do! More information is here.

How does the one-on-one coaching work?
You can ask our team a private question at any time. We use a platform that allows you to submit your question using text, audio, or video. Our team will be notified once you've submitted a question, and will respond back to you at their earliest convenience. You can expect to receive a thoughtful reply within 24-48 hours, often the same day. This asynchronous communication allows you to get faster feedback, and is the best way to get advice whenever you need it during your job search.
How much time should I commit to this program?
You should plan on spending 1 - 2 hours in coaching a week, and 5 to 15 hours working through the modules and implementing the coaching throughout the week. This completely depends on your goals and needs. The goal isn't to spend more time on your job search, it is about spending quality time. We also help to adjust your goals based on your situation. 

 I’m looking at different options– What makes this program different?
When the team assessed the market, the gap was clear: courses & resume writers don’t take you to the finish line. They don’t help you overcome obstacles. They don’t offer feedback & support with multiple touchpoints a week, if needed (most programs will have one touchpoint a month or NO personalized feedback). Your situation is unique, and you need personalized feedback. They don't keep updating and iterating based on the bleeding edge changes in the job market. We offer all of that and take it to the next level. With our consistent support & feedback, our panel of career experts, and our 300+ resources, you have everything you need to succeed. And we do mean everything. For more context, watch our extensive library of success stories for this program.

I have a unique job search situation, will this be for me?
Too much job search advice is generic and your situation is unique, that is why you'll get a custom strategy for your situation. The feedback and coaching will ensure you get the answers for your one of a kind career. 

Will I have lifetime access to SJS?
When you enroll, you get 6 months access.
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