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6 payments of $949
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 I agree to the Terms & Conditions of this program. I acknowledge there are no refunds when joining this coaching program.

Hear what people have to say about Standout Job Search:

What you'll get in Standout Job Search:
  • COMPREHENSIVE ​COACHING: Join our live calls with top career experts every week and get one on one async feedback any time.
  • JOB SEARCH PLAN: Your individual plan with specific weekly action items leading you to your target offer date.
  • ​THE COURSE: Instant access to step-by-step video lessons, tutorials, templates, and guides to help land your next career defining role.
  • THE COMMUNITY: Live support in our private community from coaches and top professionals just like yourself.
BONUS: Personalized Negotiation Advising
 Get personalized just-in-time negotiation advising from Madeline when you receive your job offer.

$15,000 value
(Enroll & pay in full by Friday January 24 at 9pm PST  to get it)

LinkedIn VIP DAY: Join a deep dive group coaching & working session where you will come away with so much done on your LinkedIn profile!

$2,000 value

"I needed help closing out interviews. Madeline's insights allowed me to pinpoint exactly what it was...I landed my dream job as the Director of Corporate Communications."

- Manjul G.

"Within a few months I was able to connect with an amazing position with a ton of possibilities and career growth potential. "

- Al S.

“I knew I needed to pivot to a new industry and looked to Madeline and her strategies to make an effective transition. I now work at a Fortune 500 technology company in a role that I deeply enjoy!"

- Kim H.

"Companies started approaching me, and I received 3 job offers for roles outside of [my] industry without applying online."

- Brandon F.

"The nuances of how to build your experiences and tailor your resume are beyond worth it. In 2 weeks of the program I have made changes I'd been trying to achieve for 6 months!!"

- Kenneth D.

"[Madeline] has changed my life and the way I face this challenge, coming from another country, and not knowing anyone in my field. Now, I feel I can take control of my career, instead of feeling desperate like I need to accept the first thing that comes up.

- Beatriz A.

"[Madeline] expertly changed each [interview] answer and even the way I presented to dramatically improve the delivery. This what made me go from 0 offers to 3."

- Wilson L.

"In the Social Work profession, people don't talk about hiring and nitty gritty materials, because it is seen as a job you’re doing out of the goodness of your heart. But all of these tips and processes were essential to land my two job offers."

- Claire P.

Our "Job Offer Success Guarantee"

We’re so confident that Standout Job Search will work for you, that we guarantee you’ll receive a job offer in the next 6 months (or less) or we’ll continue working with you for up to a whole year until you do.More information is here.

Secure Payment

All orders are through a secure network. Your credit card information is never stored in any way. We respect your privacy.
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