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ONE TIME OFFER: We'll show you exactly what to say and when to say it during the job hunt with these detailed fill-in-the-blank email templates. This is your complete guide to correspondences during the job search. From building your network, to cold emailing, to getting a job in another state, to following up, and even offer negotiation—we’ve got ya covered - 50% OFF at $9.99

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"I used the frameworks in "Job Interview Secrets" as I was preparing for my next 2 interviews. Without a doubt, going over these questions, taking the time to think them through, and writing out the answers added the wind beneath my wings that I needed to nail those interviews. In fact, in one of the interviews with a recruiter, most of those questions were asked, and I was so ready! I highly recommend this eBook for anyone preparing for their next career move."

- Deidre S.

“This book is perfect for anyone looking to make a career change. Madeline’s guidance is clear, concise and applicable to any industry.” 

- Kelli C.

Ace the Top 10 Interview Questions:

  • Why did you leave your last job?
  • ​Why do you want to work here?
  • ​Tell me about yourself.
  • ​Why should we hire you?
  • ​What is your greatest strength?
  • ​What is your greatest weakness?
  • ​Tell me about a time you failed.
  • ​Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • ​What work environment do you prefer?
  • ​What is your leadership style?

"Today I followed the suggestions laid out clearly in Madeline's ebook guide and completely SLAYED my interview. The biggest value I received from her ebook was the "why'' behind each HR tested question. Digging in to understand why I should answer a question in a certain way was eye-opening...and more importantly it worked! I highly recommend this incredible ebook."

- Suzanne M.

"I have used 'Job Interview Secrets' in 3 phone interviews. I received a follow up call from all 3 companies asking me to progress to the 2nd round of interviews." 

- Jamey N.

"This book surprised me and blew my mind. In less than 50 pages, you will be ready to crush any job interview.
I love how Madeline breaks the information down. Chapter by chapter, she goes, in valuable detail, through the most important question every job seeker needs to know how to answer properly."

- Juan Pablo B.
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